Symbiosis organized on June 19, 2012, a workshop on fundamental rights and interculturalism as part of the initiative LivingTogether, led by the Municipality of Thessaloniki. The workshop included the presentation of Migrants Voices, an initiative by Symbiosis and the Media Diversity Institute in partnership with the Municipality of Thessaloniki which provided young migrants with training on content creation and journalism. The presentation included the exhibition of a series of eight videos produced as part of the project activities. For its work in Migrants Voices, Symbiosis was awarded the fourth place in the final round at the seventh edition of the Euro-Mediterranean Award for Dialogue Between Cultures (2012) of the Anna Lindh Foundation (ALF) and Fondazione Mediterraneo (FM).
Human Rights and DiscriminationMigrants, Refugees, Asylum SeekersSocial Rights, Inclusion and Justice