The Our Elections – Our Europe! project brought together various CSOs in Greece, Hungary and Italy alongside with Media Diversity Institute to engage young people on issues that were key to the 2014 European Elections, including migration, inclusion and the need to counter xenophobic speech.
The project was a response to the concerning rise in xenophobic attitudes and statements by politicians across the three countries. It addressed the danger that such attitudes are presenting, especially considering their increasing popularity among young people due to high youth unemployment, the lack of opportunities and a general disillusion with traditional politics. From February 2014, the project partners run a four-month media and social media campaign targeting, young people across the three counties with the aim to engage them to participate in the elections, promoting inclusive and positive attitudes towards migration, and exposing the misrepresentations and manipulation of xenophobic politicians through humor and drama.
Through an extensive social media campaign, the project spread the message of rejecting xenophobic discourse and supporting migrants as part of the open values of the European Union.
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