Migrants, Refugees, Asylum SeekersSocial Rights, Inclusion and Justice

Political participation of migrants and their descendants is key  to the being of today’s societies, democracies and the stability of economies. Promoting an inclusive democratic society is in line with the European Union principles and standards, the Charter of Fundamental Rights and the European Pillar of Social Rights, which emphasises that “The European way of life is an inclusive one”. As in European societies  migration often leads to discrimination, while the promise of integration is still far away, EMVI  aims to sensitise the host societies on the importance of inclusion and political participation of all communities in the project partner countries.

The project focuses on enabling and empowering the participation of migrants in the design and implementation of policies that directly affect them – in Austria, Germany, Greece, Italy, and Slovenia – and bringing their issues to local, national, and EU decision-makers. With that scope, it leverages innovative tools such as Decidim, a participatory digital platform, aiming not only to facilitate digital participation but also to provide a dedicated space for the collaborative collection of ideas, suggestions, and proposals.

EMVI - Activities

Executive summary of the Good Practice Guide

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The Executive summary of the Good Practice Guide brings the most important recommendations regarding political participation of migrants, based on the findings of the research process which took place in Austria, Greece, Germany, Italy and Slovenia as part of the project Empowering migrant voices on integration and inclusion policies (EMVI).

The consortium of the EMVI project believes that for the effective functioning of democratic systems, it is important that all members of the political community play an active role and have equal rights. Therefore, it is important to promote the political participation of migrants in the country they reside. The political participation of migrants can help them settle in, feel a part of the community and develop a social network. It ultimately supports diversity in the European community.


  1. Implement the right to vote (at least on the local/regional level) for all long-term residents in the country.
  2. Improve, encourage and value migrant participation, representation and engagement in public bodies that deal with the issues of integration, inclusion, and diversity.
  3. Improve and develop integration/inclusion/activation programmes with a special focus on education and training for political participation.
  4. Building the trust of migrants and strengthening the cooperation between migrant communities and local/regional/national authorities.
  5. Improvement of integration and inclusion policies on a structural level, including systematic funding for migrant organisations.

Good practice guide on effective participation tools

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This Good practice guide brings together the most important findings about the possibilities for the political participation of migrants in five project consortium countries: Austria, Greece, Germany, Italy and Slovenia, based on the national reports that have been made within the project Empowering migrant voices on integration and inclusion policies (EMVI).

Focusing on good practices of migrant political participation in each country, policy recommendations to public (local, regional, national) authorities are made in order to encourage structural and systemic improvement of migrant’s engagement and political participation, on local, regional and national level. It is prepared for decision makers, public authorities, migrant leaders and organizations, local stakeholders and all those who will find it useful for implementing of policies and methods for the structural migrant participation, inclusion and emancipation.

The Partnership